Platforms are the New Office

Platforms like YouConnect will play a pivotal role in successful remote work strategy for Chief Appraisers.

As a Chief Appraisers or appraisal firm owner working remotely, how would you score your team’s effectiveness, productivity and happiness?

Hanging on to the traditional office model expecting your employees to work in a remote form is a bad idea.

What we gained with remote work: no traffic jams, avoid office politics and zero dry cleaning bills.

If you’re talking to your employees like you used to do with them when they sat in a nearby office; you’re likely wasting energy, time and productivity.

At the center of the remote work playbook is collaboration software platforms.

5 Remote Work Principles

  1. Deliberate communication
  2. Democratized processes
  3. Detailed metrics
  4. Synchronous (live meetings)
  5. Asynchronous (recorded meetings)

There are plus and minuses with Synchronous and Asynchronous meetings. The former has no history documentation, it’s expensive and can be distracted by extroverts.

The latter offers perfect documentation, educational content always available and it scales.

That’s not to say live meeting aren’t valuable. They are but when done effectively and much less often.

Collaboration Platforms

Atlassian, a collaboration software firm (Loom, Trello, Jira, Confluence and Atlas), has been a fully distributed company for almost 20 years. That’s amazing with 10k+ employees.

They prioritize culture-building events that creates a social atmosphere creating new leaders. Having in-person retreats for a few days has months of lasting impact. It creates a “team anywhere” synergy.

“Management itself is practically moot in a remote-first organization. The async process, properly deployed, is the manager.”

Running Remote by Liam Martin and Rob Rawson

YouConnect Embraces Remote Work

  • An informational advantage between lending and credit.
  • Train Your RMs, job managers and reviewers to work in alignment.
  • In an open platform, everyone can see what everyone else is doing in real-time.
  • Ability to anticipate and react to valuation issues, vendor management and delays.
  • The C-Suite can keep tabs on department metrics through reporting.

YouConnect provides a centralized hub where bank employees can collaborate, set expectations and track progress.

Make it easier for your remote teams to stay connected and aligned.

This data-driven collaborative approach fosters a culture of transparency and accountability within your bank.

Welcome to the new office.

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