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Vendor Management’s Impact on
Commercial Fee Appraisers...
Non-USPAP evals, opportunity for
appraisers and their bank clients
As a commercial appraiser,
don’t rinse and repeat
How would it feel to have a
profitable appraisal department?
Appraisal Reviews:
The regulations are clear. Competency.
Ordering evaluations.
Are you doing it right?
Bank Mergers: Roller Coaster Change
to Appraisal Departments
Chief Appraiser
No.1 Stress - Lender Push Back
The best way to
review appraisals
DataComp Suite Academy
DataComp, Edge, and Manager keep you on top of things as your productivity inevitably increases. The software keeps your team and processes connected so nothing slips through the cracks – not bids, appraisal assignments, or due date obligations.
Improve Your
Appraisal Delivery

Check Out What
Appraisers Are Saying

“Manager has become our office lifeblood in terms of monitoring and tracking production workflow. It has also improved our teamwork coordination with our Monday meetings to go over production and due dates. I’m not sure what we would do without Manager.”
Taylor Vandever, JD, MAI

Check Out What
Appraisers Are Saying

“We have been using Edge since 2011. Our productivity has increased over 40%. I am the sole MAI in our company and therefore, must review all reports. It has reduced my review time by 75% or more. I would not want to go back to the “old way”. Templates for each property type further increase efficiencies. This software is very flexible with a short learning curve. Users can make the system as simple or as intricate as desired. The Realwired staff is very accommodating and readily available. The payback period was less than 3 months.”
W. Shaun Wilkins, MAI, CCIM

Check Out What
Appraisers Are Saying

“DataComp is terrific. Powerful, flexible and easy to use. DataComp has a short learning curve and provides instant organization, easy sharing and great search ability for every kind of comp data. It is easily one of the best investments I’ve ever made.”
Robert Gagliano, MAI, CRE

Check Out What
Appraisers Are Saying

“Edge allowed me to have more confidence with my appraisers, especially the trainees since all they had to do was follow the script. I had a feeling of progress as I automated my reports that were not only faster, but the reports got better with fewer mistakes. The better quality reports helped me retain clients and compete like a national.”
Cody Jetton, MAI, CRE CEO
Mearstone Group
Commercial Evaluation
Report Template
Commercial evaluations that comply with USPAP.
Eval format that your department and fee appraisers can use right now.