We’re Way More than a Legislative Fiat

There’s a peculiar inertia in the world of valuation.

It’s a world governed by ritual, the same HP12C, the same appraisal format and the same education.

The valuation space struggles to be motivated towards entrepreneurial attitude, new tech and process.

Our world moves at a glacier pace, while the rest of the economy hurtles forward like a McLaren.

Many feel appraisers feel we’re just a legislative fiat, a mandatory requirement.

This can make appraiser’s lifework feel like a checkbox.

To shift the perception from a “have to have” to a “want to have” product, the appraisal industry needs a shift to focus on enhancing the value (and its market perception) they provide beyond mere compliance.

Elevate Appraisers to Trusted Advisors

“Experienced valuation experts bring much more to the table than just an appraisal for the file.

Developers and investors should hire appraisers up front and avail themselves of our experience. I bet my partner and I have seen 20,000 deals. Do you think we have seen a thing or two?

Many deals are simple, but most are not. I bet over a ten year consulting timeline we could save development and investing groups millions in mis-steps and wasted time.

Some of the best deals are the ones you never do!”
Ron Oxtal, MAI

Turbocharge Valuation with Marketing

It starts with marketing, oddly enough.

Effective marketing isn’t just fluff-it’s the key to relevance and desirability.

We’re a group that prefers to work in the shadows.

We can’t do that anymore.

Marketing is the turbocharger the valuation industry desperately needs.

Rethink, Revise, Rebrand

Leverage digital campaigns, showcasing our role as the secret sauce in every smart property deal.

This is how you turn a behind-the-scenes job into a front-and-center necessity.

By making valuations appealing, transparent and critical, we can make the field irresistible to young talent.

Valuations Drive Critical Decisions

Emphasizing the role of appraisals in identifying investment opportunities, assessing property potential and providing deeper market insights can transform our image.

Appraisers can position their services as indispensable tools for making informed real estate decisions, but it needs to be public.

Share success stories of how valuations have influenced major real estate deals or saved clients’ money.

The industry can illustrate its impact in a tangible way.

These narratives can be powerful tools for attracting both clients and new talent.

Show up Speak up

The lack of voice damages our space. Example, a billboard in the Denver Airport claiming appraisal bias. Marketing dollars being spent to damage our reputation.

Let’s create, ideate and market that appraisers are ethical professionals.

Let’s show why we’re way more than a checkbox.

Let’s change, let’s transform.

Let’s rebrand.

Let’s go.

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