Who needs my best work today

The significant slowdown in appraisal volume has many fee and bank appraisers worried about keeping their jobs and their staff busy.

Worrying about it isn’t productive.

So what’s the secret to address the drop in work? It’s one simple sentence. Ask yourself, “Who needs my best work today?”

Asking this question facilitates an abundance mindset by giving energy to others.

The slowdown is real, but how you react to it brings options. Choosing a scarcity mindset might feel like the right thing to do, but long term it’ll bring unsatisfactory results.

Top 3 Appraiser Worries

  1. Significant drop in appraisal and review orders.
  2. Bank appraisers worried about their jobs.
  3. Fee appraisers worried about keeping their staff busy.

Show up and be ready

Show up and be ready for your staff. Don’t make decisions based on scarcity mindset. Look at the world with an abundant mindset. Your people expect and need you to be your “complete you.” Chief appraisers and fee appraisers often have their success intertwined. Both sides need to avoid being locked into worry-land. Rather, bring your fun you, energetic you, unstoppable you to show up and be ready.

Audit your words

Words matter. Avoid saying “hopefully” since it tells a story of a gap. “Hopefully” means an expectation of fulfillment, but subconsciously, it may be dressed up as nervousness. Saying “I hope appraisal volume picks up” subconsciously sabotages confidence to invest in technology and process. It can immobilize your decisions to be productive.

A cost cutting scarcity mindset counterintuitively is probably the worst thing you can do. Growing the top line is always best practice. Strive to have a strong mindset and find opportunities to improve your spoken words and thoughts.

Be allergic to negative words

Be allergic to negative or self-limiting words. Audit your words since words create emotions. Consider the Emotional Guidance Scale, which identifies upward or downward spirals. This is a scale of our feelings and emotions, from our highest vibrational feelings to our lowest.

Upward Spiral: Joy/knowledge/empowerment/freedom/love/appreciation/passion/enthusiasm/positive expectation/belief/optimism/hopefulness/contentment.

Downward Spiral: Boredom/pessimism/frustration/irritation/impatience/overwhelmed/disappointment/worry/blame/discouragement/anger/insecurity/unworthiness/powerlessness.

One word that many appraisers use that bugs me is “realistic.” It always seems to veil pessimism and is usually used in an effort to check one’s expectations for the future.

Create a future based on today’s decisions

Setup ourselves for success by investing time and money on technology and process. Invest in the decision to take your appraisal department to the next level with YouConnect (appraisal and environmental workflow).

Make a decision to improve how your appraisal firm creates reports with DataComp Suite (commercial comp database, report writing and workflow).

7 success statements

  1. I will create more value for my customers than anyone in the world.
  2. I will do a better job of understanding my staff’s goals.
  3. I will envision outcomes and focus on the “numbers” that track promise.
  4. I will create a life of unlimited creation that I’ll never have to retire from.
  5. I will be what I want to accomplish first.
  6. I will be what I expect from other people.
  7. I will be 1% better every day.

Expectations for the future

An easy way and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones through tiny changes can result in remarkable results.

“We all deal with setbacks, but in the long run, the quality of our lives often depends on the quality of our habits. With the same habits, you will end up with the same results. But with better habits, anything is possible.” James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Align with a abundance vision.

Create a future based on today’s decisions.

Who needs my best work today?

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